Thursday, January 16, 2014

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Happy Accident

Back in 2007, Gerald got me the first iPhone for Christmas. I had no idea I could love a phone so much or all that I had been missing with my lil' ol' Nokia.. It was happily ever after for Apple and I. A couple fo years later, Gerald got an iPhone 3GS, after someone dropped his Blackberry in a puddle and ruined it. (That is another story for another time, no need to name names now.) He hated the 3GS. So for our anniversary, rather than buy each other gifts, we decided we would upgrade our iP{hones to the then new iPhone 4. We went to the AT and T store before our roamntic dinner out and did the deed. I had done some research and we were able to sell our old iPhones (Gerald's 3GS and my original iPhone) on Ebay. Gerald got about $5oo for his and I got around $250 for mine. That gave us the $400 or so to buy the new phones and leave a little in our pockets for dinner!
Ebay is so wonderful. There is no end of itmes to buy and sell on Ebay--you really must check it out and selling is WAY easier than you think!
But my story doesn't end here. About a month later, Gerald was dropping me off somewhere and as he drove away, a glint of something shiny caught my eye. OH NO! It was my brand new iPhone 4 laying face first on the pavement, case crushed, glass shattered. It had fallen when I got out and his huge tire had run over it. I felt a little tear gather in the corner of my eye. I picked it up and could not beleive the phone STILL WORKED. I continued to baby it and coddle it for a week or so until I figured out what to do with it. AS I am sure you all know, the phone companies have us in a stranglehold, we lock into contracts to get the phones for cheap because we do. I was not eligible anymore for the deal we had gotten previously for the iPhone 4. I went to Apple to see if it could be fixed under warranty, sadly it was not a defect on their part so I could not get it fised under warranty. I tried pleading wit AT and T, that got me nowhere. Finally I decided I would try to sell the phone with the shattered glass on Ebay for parts and maybe make a little money, $25 or so and just get a regular phone and forget all about the iPhone until the price came down again. I went on to Ebay to see if damaged iPhones we being bought and sold and could not beleive my eyes. They were being sold and bought for a lot of money. Like $500 or more. I listed my phone, complete with a description and photos of the damage, and sold it for $520 + shipping. I was able to buy another iPhone 4 at the regular price, $499 (yikes!) and I broke even. And the phone was till working as I put it in the box to ship it off to its new owner.
The moral of this story is one you have heard before, "It ain't over until the fat lady sings, and be sure to check all your options and do your research too!"
Next week check back for my new scheme on "jailbreaking" my iPhone or "How Gerald Is Getting An iPhone 4s for His Birthday Next Month Without Spending a Dime!"

Rit Dye: Check out the possibilities at and be inspired. I know I was recently and in the next few weeks, I will share my projects and outcomes with you!

When purchasing online, before you hit SUBMIT PAYMENT, always do a quick Google search for whatever comapny or site are buying from and the word coupon ( IE; try googling Lands End coupon or Sears coupon) or check sites like
You are likely to find at least a coupon code for free shipping and sometimes a percentage off. Even old coupon codes sometimes work. It only takes an extra moment or two but you may end up saving!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back Again!

If anyone is still out there, I am trying this blog thing again! This time it will be goofy things I do (sigh, there are a lot) as well as money and time saving tips I come across. I would love to hear from you!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Love That Dollar Store!

Our local dollar store is Deals and I hit it hard for my son's 9 year old birthday party. I must say I am very proud of myself! And my husband, of course. We threw a great party for our 9 year old son and we did it pretty inexpensively. We had told our son after his last birthday party that this year would be a small party, maybe a couple of friends for a sleepover. Something of that nature. Well, when we talked about his birthday a few weeks ago he said "Can I just have some friends over to play football?" I thought that was a great idea. We found sports themed computer paper at Deals and miniature football helmets for $8 at the Kroger. We printed the invites at home, rolled them up and attached helmets and hand delivered the invitations. The invitations told everyone to wear their favorite team jerseys and to be ready for football and cake and ice cream. We hired an older neighborhood boy to "referee" for 2 hours (we gave him $20 because he did such a great job!). We had 14 boys playing football in our backyard for over 2 hours yesterday and they had a blast!
Here is what we bought for the party and where:
1/2 sheet cake from Costco $16
Paper for invitations $1
Helmets for invites $8
Paper plates, napkins and cups (sports themed) from Deals $1 per package
9 helium balloons for the mailbox $9 from Deals
Goodie bags included:
mini footballs $1 each from Deals
Skittles and Starburst (Costco 30 pack for $9.50)
Candles $1 from Deals
Referee $20
Powdered Gatorade to make huge Thermos full $6 Kroger
Pretzels, cheese balls and Bugles $6 Deals
Total cost of party = $92.50
So that makes the party $6.60 per guest. For over two hours of fun complete with snacks, cake and ice cream (already had the ice cream), I think we go t our money's worth!
I did order 14 pictures (one for the birthday boy too) of the "team" to send along with the thank you notes which cost an additional $3.30 so make that $95.80!

Ok, this isn't really a money saver but it is a time saver and very convenient. For those of you who shop at Costco, did you know that when you check out you can add food from the "restaurant" area to your bill? As you check out just tell the cashier what you want form the food area (hot dog, slice of pizza, frozen yogurt, whatever) and they will add to your bill and give you a slip of paper to take right over to the counter. I never know that until the other day when the woman in front of me ordered like that. Occasionally I do eat there, especially if the kids are with me--they think it is a treat!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Okay, fun and games are over! I am back to the serious business of writing my blog. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! We had a great summer and it was over too quickly, isn't it always?
We got back last week from Long Beach, IN on Lake Michigan (and yes, I am still unpacking and doing laundry!) and my black car was parked outside under a tree (read BIRDS) for the two week duration and it was filthy. I mean it was so dirty even I noticed and felt embarrassed driving around in my dusty, so-sticky-from-sap-I-couldn't-put-down-my-driver's-side-window, bird poop covered car. For the first time in a long time I considered washing my car myself. It would save me money and it would be better for the environment, right? It turns out I was wrong (gasp). Environmentally at least, it turns out that car washes conserve more water and their run off goes into the sewer system where it is treated and cleaned. When you wash your car at home, that dirty, greasy water goes right into the storm sewer and right into our lakes, rivers and oceans without being treated. Plus washing at home uses about 3 times more water than a car wash.
Thank goodness I researched before getting out the pail and bucket! Me in a wet t-shirt washing my car in the driveway (nobody needs to see that!)

TIP FOR TODAY Want whiter teeth?
Don't go to the dentist for the expensive trays and laser whitening. Go to Target and buy a night guard. The kind that you put in hot water and mold to your teeth. Buy one for the top and the bottom, they are about $15 each. Then go to your dentist's office, or any dental office, and get a tube of their teeth whitening bleach--they all sell it. My dentist sells it for $10 a tube and you get 4-5 uses from it. They will give your instructions on how to use the bleach. Then go home and follow the directions for your "night guards" and viola! Dental trays! True, they are not as tight a fit as they would be from the dentist and they are definitely bulkier BUT they are about $200 less expensive and they WORK. I accidentally threw away my $250 whitening trays from the dentist (DON'T ASK) but still had some of the bleach tubes left over. Then after a visit to said dentist, I was told I was grinding my teeth (no surprise there, if you don't de-stress in other ways, oh say like exercising or meditating or throwing things, turns out you might be a clencher or a grinder) and they would outfit me with a night guard for about $400! Yikes! Then the hygienist told me I could try the over the counter night guards form Walgreen's or Target. I love going to Target so I made that my next stop after the dentist and bought their Target brand dental guard. I think it has helped with the clenching and grinding, I seem to sleep a bit better. Then one evening getting my head gear on for bed, it hit me, let's try the bleach in this baby (I only bought a tray for my upper teeth) and over the last 3 months I have been using this method my teeth are just as white as when I was using the more expensive trays. I think the key is to get the bleach from the dentist and not use the OTC stuff--I did try that and couldn't tell a difference. The only caveat to my method might be that you will have to do the top tray and then the bottom tray, both at once might be a bit bulky. But if you are like me and have a big mouth, who knows? Happy bleaching and let me know your results!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Too Long!

I have been away too long, from my Blog that is. Once I didn't write for a few days it just got easier and easier to put off posting anything new. I hope I didn't lose my few loyal readers!
We just got back from a lovely long weekend in Long Beach, Indiana on Lake Michigan. Our dear friend is kind enough to invite us up to his beach house to share lots of laughs and fun with him and some of his wonderful family members. It was a great weekend and so nice to get away even for a few days. It really reminded me of how precious friends and family are and how fortunate myself and my little family are to have such amazing friends. I guess we all need reminders now and then to stop and (excuse the cliche) smell the roses.
I picked up a book over the weekend "The Contemplative Heart" by James Finley.
Here is a quick excerpt "We see, too, how these fleeting glimpses [of grace] have occasioned within us the desire for a more abiding , daily awareness of the depths so fleetingly glimpsed."
Intriguing, no? I will let you know when I am finished with the book. I am only a few pages in it so far.
Dime saving idea for the week:

(and in all honesty, it will save me money but I have a black cotton dress I just love and that is the main reason I want to try this)
I used to Rit Dye my clothes back in college, to extend their life but I have not done it since. I am going to follow the instructions exactly and post my findings later this week for anyone who is interested.


I keep a glass pitcher of water and sliced lemons (and sometimes strawberries or limes, or even cucumbers) in the refrigerator. It is very refreshing and encourages me to drink my 8 glasses a day. Plus it looks pretty--like I am at a spa!

Also, since I seem to have trouble even keeping up with writing one Blog, I have added two others...
Check them out when you have time!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

We Can All Use A Little Help Once In A While

Dear Heart of Jesus: In the past, I have asked for many favors. This time, I ask you this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your father sees it. Then, in your merciful eyes, it will become your favor, not mine. Amen.

Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and your favor will be granted. Never known
to fail.