Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jai Ho

(loose translation "hallelujah")

I kid you not when I say that in 5 years we have been in our house, that we have never changed a single one of our recessed light bulbs. There are 8 recessed light fixtures on the main floor and they are almost always on in the evening. How can that be you say? DIMMERS I say. Ask anyone who knows me, I love dimmer switches. When you get to be a certain age, they are a necessity but they are also kinda green, who knew? Forget those bad fluorescent light bulbs (truly, they cast a bad light and they are ugly to look at) and invest in dimmer switches, you won't be sorry. Jai Ho!

Use empty egg cartons to store jewelry-perfect for pendants and rings!

Do you sew or know someone who does? My 5 year old still fits into pants that are too short for her--what to do? I extend the legs on her pants with fun fabric or grosgrain ribbon. My 8 year old son blows through the knees in most of his pants, time to sew on some patches! If you can't sew, swap with a friend for another chore/errand.

Swap babysitting with friends. You each get one Saturday night out a month for free and the kids get to hang with friends.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Daily Bread

Sometimes we go through 2 loaves a week here at O'Dwyers Family Restaurant, sometimes the loaf stays untouched in the bread drawer for days. What to do with that still good but slightly dry loaf of bread?
When life gives you stale bread, make bread crumbs!
Line cookie sheets with single slices of bread, "toast" in a 200 degree oven until slightly dry (if you want to use then right away) or very dry (if you want to freeze them for later use). Let them cool. Process the slices in a food processor. Experiment with garlic salt, onion powder. sea salt and/or herbs. Store in a air tight container in the freezer.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Homemade Cleaning Products That WORK!

Vinegar Distribute partially filled saucers of
vinegar around the room or boil 1 tablespoon of white
vinegar in 1 cup of water to eliminate unpleasant cooking
odors. I have used this technique after a party to get of the smoke smell.

Baking Soda Sprinkle a teaspoon or two in the bottom of your dishwasher before using. It really helps with hard water spots.

Vegetable Oil or Olive Oil and Lemon Juice Mix 2
parts oil and 1 part lemon juice. Apply and polish with a
soft cloth. This leaves furniture looking and smelling

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Don't Say I Never Gave You Any Good Advice!

A recent headline caught my eye while surfing the web.

"Library services boom as the economy fizzles"

No kidding.
The virtues of the public library are numerous and all are free! Those of us who are library fans have known this for years. Let's face it, our government doesn't get it right often but when they do, like the public library system, it is a winner.
Go online to your local library's website and reserve some books, they will call you or email you when they come in. Need tax forms? Go to the library, some even offer tax help. Check out some new release DVD's for the weekend or get some CD's from the music section. You will be surprised at how current the offerings are. Even my local library, housed in a skeevy little strip mall, has some great offerings and they will get almost anything else I want from within the library system here in Cincinnati.
I remember my first trip to the library with my mother when I was about seven. My hometown of Eden Prairie, MN had a small library that was about the size of a mobile home set out in a field near the high school. I thought it was wonderful. The smell of the place, the shelves and shelves of books and children's section with the small tables and chairs was all magical to me. I left with a load of books that day and my mother checked out a few for herself. Neither my mom nor my dad ever complained or said no when I wanted to make a trip back to the library. My kids now love going to the library and checking out books and helping choose some DVDs to watch at home.

Your public library-go check it out!

Really cheap beauty treatment!
Vaseline. A big tub is less than $5 and if you buy the store brand (which is the same stuff) it is even less and a tub will last an entire winter. If you have dry skin, rub some all over your face before going to bed at night. Coat your hands and feet with it too and wear those cotton socks and gloves to bed at night, all that itchy, rough skin will be gone in the morning. It is definitely a look to go to bed that way but worth it! Also, if you use waterproof mascara that is hard to get off, coat your lashes before bed and the make-up just swipes off in the a.m. You'll look like a raccoon but the added benefit is that it moisturizes your lashes and mascara will go on better than ever!

Buy and sell handmade goods. This site is amazing! You can find jewelry, clothes, gifts, stationery and much more. All handmade and usually pretty reasonable. Support the handmade arts! Some of my favorite Etsy sellers





